Evidence-Based Method – A Brief Survey of Hypnotherapy Research
The Methods You Will Learn at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America Have Been Scientifically Proven to be Effective, Even Superior to Other Modalities, in a Recent Clinical Trial
2012 – Hypnotherapy Academy of America Methodology Was Scientifically Validated
Overactive Bladder Syndrome “Hypnotherapy for Treatment of Overactive Bladder: Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot Study” Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, 2012, Komesu, Yuko M., MD, Sapien, Robert E., MD, Rogers, Rebecca G., MD, Ketai, Loren H., MD.
Overactive bladder is common and affects approximately 17% of women in the United States. Frequency of urination, urinary urgency and incontinence, nocturia, and emotional distress were measured in the study.
Hypnotherapy Academy advanced state-of-the-art methodology:
Flexible medical support hypnotherapy style that considers the unique needs of each patient
Utilize methods to improve patient involvement in prescribed treatment
Attention to the underlying psycho-emotional needs of the patient
Reliable pain management and accelerated healing
Study Design:
20 patients with OAB syndrome
Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot Study
Medical Hypnotherapy group vs. Behavioral Therapy
Each group received the same number of sessions (3)
Patients not blinded
Hypnotherapist used Hypnotherapy Academy of America methodology
Scientific peer-reviewed results showed:
Academy Hypnotherapy Methodology: 67% improvement
Behavior Therapy: 42 % improvement
Special Note on the Demand for Hypnotherapy
After this trial was completed, the women in the Behavior Therapy group asked if they could also receive the Academy hypnotherapy protocol. Nine out of ten of them participated in the hypnotherapy protocol. It was the opinion of the clinical hypnotherapist provider that this group gained the same results reported in the study.
2013 Update: Academy Methods Used in National Institutes of Health-Funded Research
We are happy to announce that from the success of the above clinical trial, the National Institutes of Health in conjunction with the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, has funded a 4-year study in which our hypnotherapy methodology will be utilized by the research team at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center.
The Hypnotherapy Academy of America, in Albuquerque, NM, has the prestige of being the only hypnotherapy training whose methodology is scientifically validated. We invite you to be part of our program.
May 2018 News update: The 4-year study funded by the NIH and conducted at University of New Mexico Hospital utilizing our techniques is now complete. It was a great success for hypnotherapy. This study’s purpose was to determine if hypnotherapy is, or is not, inferior to drug therapy in the treatment of Overactive Bladder/Urinary Urgency. Part of what makes this such a significant research study is that it involved 162 patients – a significant sample of the population. Also unique to this study is that it tested hypnotherapy against the current standard treatment (drug therapy.) 81 patients were randomized into the hypnotherapy group and 81 randomized into the drug therapy group.
Preliminary trend lines show that the patients receiving hypnotherapy had equivalent results to drug therapy, and in those patients who were moderately to highly responsive to hypnosis, the one-year follow-up showed superior results to drug therapy. While hypnotherapy may not be appropriate for everyone, this scientifically rigorous study is breaking new ground in the mainstream acceptance of hypnotherapy as an adjunctive modality. When the final analytics and peer review are completed, we will update this page again.
October 2018 News update: Click on the research tab above for the peer-reviewed research findings.
Hypnotherapy Accelerates Bone Fracture Healing
randomized controlled pilot study. ”Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine. 5(2):67-75, Mar. 1999. Ginandes, CS, Rosenthal, DI.
Study Design:
12 patients, 6 without and 6 with hypnotic intervention
6 Received hypnosis sessions and audio tape
Healed Faster (Radiological exams at week 6 showed as much healing as would occur in 8.5 weeks!)
Increased Mobility (i.e., walking down stairs)
Less Pain
Less use of Analgesics
Pre-Operative Hypnotherapy Helps with Breast Cancer Surgery
“A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Brief Hypnosis Intervention to Control Side Effects in Breast Surgery Patients.” JNCI, 2007 99(17):1304-1312. Montgomery, GH, Bovbjerg, Schnur, JB, David, D, Goldfarb, A, Weltz, CR, Schechter, C, Graff-Sivan, J, Tatrow, K, Price, DD, Silverstein, JH.
Study Design:
200 Breast biopsy patients
Hypnosis group vs. Empathetic Listening group (only one preoperative session)
Patients not blinded
Results for Hypnosis Group
Patient Benefits
53% less pain
74% less nausea
46% less fatigue
74% less emotional upset
Provider Benefits
Less propofol (64 vs. 96.6 microg)
22% less analgesia
Less time in Operating Room by 15 minutes
Less cost ($772.71 per patient savings)
Hypnotherapy Reduces Asthma Attacks
Chronic asthma and improvement with relaxation induced by hypnotherapy
Journal of Royal Society Medicine 81(Dec 1988):701-704. Morrison, JB.
Study Design:
16 patients with severe, chronic asthma
Weekly hypnosis with hypnotherapist
Daily self-hypnosis for 5-15 minute duration
Results for Hypnosis Group
Patient Benefits
Decrease in annual hospital admissions from 44 to 13
Length of stay decreased by 249 days
Steroids withdrawn in 6 patients, reduced in 8 and none had increase
54% reported improved in symptoms
Hypnotherapy is an Evidence-Based Modality Cited in Medical Literature. Notice how many studies are cited:
Benefits of Stress reduction 24,883
Hypnosis 11,099
Hypnotherapy 9,619
Hypnosis and pain 1,209
Hypnotherapy and cancer 299
Medical Hypnotherapy is an adjunct to Medical Treatment and provides for:
Non-pharmaceutical Means of Pain Management
Patients Experience Feelings of Being Cared For
Accelerates the Natural Healing Process
Increases Patient Satisfaction
Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist them in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Medical support hypnotherapy is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services are provided.